For the last several months, we’ve offered a number of topics and techniques for these assignments, and we’ve loved seeing all of the images submitted. For this assignment, we are going to do things a bit differently. YOU pick the subject matter, you pick the techniques you employ. We have only two rules: 1) the image MUST be shot during the two week period following the release of this assignment post, and 2) you must include some commentary with the image that outlines your thought process as you were taking it, and how you feel about it. To get you started, here are a few concepts worth exploring.

Tell a story that’s in your head. Effective images are often the result of previsualization and planning. What story do you want to tell? What compositional elements will you need in your image? How can you bring those elements together? After your shoot, ask yourself if you were successful at matching your vision. If not, what would you do differently next time?
Try something new. Is there a photographic technique you’ve been interested in but have been feeling a little intimidated? You won’t learn if you don’t start! Jump in learning something new, then give it a try. Did it work for you? Why or why not? We’re happy to provide some feedback!

Explore new subjects. Are you mostly a portrait photographer? Shoot some flower images, or create a still life. Feel very comfortable with landscapes? Try photographing some wildlife, or maybe just your pet in a new way. Exploring new subject matter helps boost creativity, and may just give you some fresh ideas for your well-rehearsed images. What did you learn from getting outside your comfort zone?

There are many ways to be creative, but the point is we want you to do it NOW, and we want you to share your experience of branching out with the group. Remember that supportive feedback will help you grow, and mistakes are useful for all to learn from. Our Pros will be waiting on the Muench University FB page to provide some helpful suggestions as well. Get out there and get shooting!
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