Curves are inherently pleasing and are strong compositional elements as well. They can take many forms in an image, from a simple C-curve or an undulating S-curve to circles, arches, and even the classic spiral. Curves can be obvious or they can be implied (when a series of objects or shapes pulls the eye along and the brain fills in the curve).
Your assignment this week is to find ways to use curves to enhance your images.
Here are some tips:
Lead the Viewer. Curves are a particularly effective form of leading lines. We evolved in nature, where straight lines are rare, so our eyes follow naturally along curves. Winding rivers and footpaths are popular subjects, but also look for curved leading lines in cityscapes.
Convey Movement and Energy. Curves are graceful and rhythmic and can be used to show motion. They can also be used to convey potential energy. Think of a coiled spring or a snake ready to strike.
Frame Your Subject. Because curves are pleasing, they can help to draw the eye towards the subject. Curves are popular in architecture and are abundant in nature. Look for a tree branch or a curved blade of grass.
Soften Your Image. Curves tend to feel natural and organic and can add a sense of fullness to an object or ease in a landscape. Think of the curves in the human body or a curving shoreline.
Show us those sinuous, serpentine, and suggestive curves you find in and around your home this week! Our team of Pros will be waiting to offer helpful feedback and commentary.
Happy Shooting!
Lisa LaPointe
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