By Vicki Uthe

In November 2016 we loaded our mountain bikes and tent and headed to Lee’s Ferry for a three-day campout over Veteran’s Day. The weather was spectacular. The ferry is generally the fist thing you think of when launching a Colorado River trip through Grand Canyon but this time we didn’t bring boats, we brought bikes and hiking boots.

lees ferry november 2016 8067Paria Canyon meets the river here and created this riffle. There were other buildings near the put-in that housed the ferry company back in the day. I did not include them here but they are fun to explore and photograph as well.

lees ferry november 2016 8014We parked the cars for the weekend and took the bikes all over. We road out to Highway 89 and down the road to this dirt road that seemed to go on forever.

lees ferry november 2016 7969That’s Navajo Bridge in the background, the only way over the canyon for hundreds of miles. We also had a great view of the river below.

lees ferry november 2016 7958We ran across this hogan, a traditional Dine’ dwelling, out on a dirt road with the beautiful Vermillion Cliffs in the background.

lees ferry november 2016 7948This is just a fun low angle shot I took while out on the bike ride. I had with me my Canon S120 point and shoot because it was easy to slip in and out of my pocket. It is also an easy camera to shoot one handed.

lees ferry november 2016 7944

I like shadows.

lees ferry november 2016 7941

Shooting while riding…NOT recommended.

lees ferry november 2016 7904This is the gate to the local cemetery that tells a very sad story. There are several children buried here that all seemed to pass in the span of a year. Not sure what the illness was but it ravaged this family.

lees ferry november 2016 7900We parked our bikes at the opening to the Lonely Dell Ranch like they were horses. This property had several buildings and an orchard. It was a great place to shoot.

lees ferry november 2016 8132Heading down Cathedral Wash, this was the trickiest part. The hike was beautiful but nothing compared to what we got to see at the bottom, our beloved Colorado River!

lees ferry november 2016 8161

Mud patterns and reflections

lees ferry november 2016 8231

This rock looks like a turtle head!

lees ferry november 2016 8115

lees ferry november 2016 8196We found a great beach to hang out on and enjoy the roar of the river. Beach time in Northern Arizona!

lees ferry november 2016 8182

Go explore, bring your camera and document your adventures. It’s fun to go back and relive them through photographs.

Happy Shooting!

Vicki Uthe is a Volunteer Photo Guide with Arizona Highways PhotoScapes

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